Flying together with our sponsor
Elite investors often get special deals that aren’t available to the public. Take Warren Buffett, for example. When he invested $10B in Occidental Petroleum, he didn’t buy the publicly traded stock. He got preferred stock, paying an 8% dividend.
While you won’t be investing alongside Warren Buffett, Texas-based Monogram is offering you preferred stock with an 8% dividend (in cash or shares of MGRM) that’s convertible to its common stock.
Monogram’s common stock (MGRM) closed at $3.40 earlier this week, but the unlisted preferred stock (which is convertible into one share of common) is available for $2.25 per share. This opportunity is planned to come to an end on September 12, 2024.
* This is a paid advertisement for Monogram Technologies Series D Preferred Stock offering. A prospectus supplement and accompanying base prospectus have been filed with the SEC. Before making any investment, you are urged to read the prospectus supplement and accompanying base prospectus carefully for a more complete understanding of the Issuer and the offering.
The securities offered by Monogram are highly speculative. Investing in these securities involves significant risks. The investment is suitable only for persons who can afford to lose their entire investment. Investors must understand that such investment could be illiquid for an indefinite period of time. There is no existing public trading market for the Series D Preferred Stock. Monogram does not intend to apply for listing of the Series D Preferred Stock or the common stock purchase warrants on a national securities exchange or quoted on an over-the-counter market.
DealMaker Securities LLC, a registered broker-dealer and member of FINRA | SIPC, located at 105 Maxess Road, Suite 124, Melville, NY 11747, is the Intermediary for this offering and is not an affiliate of or connected with the Issuer. Please check our background on FINRA’s BrokerCheck.