Ladies and gentlemen, here are the most popular Flyover stories for 2024, ranked by your clicks. Enjoy!
➤ This list of the most reliable car brands—Lexus, Toyota, Buick, Chevrolet, and MINI—is based on a study analyzing three years of data from car owners. (See List)
➤ A late-summer deluge in Morocco flooded parts of the Sahara Desert, creating lagoons among palm trees and sand dunes. (See Lagoons)
➤ A cinematographer captured footage of Emperor penguin chicks leaping 50 feet off an Antarctic cliff, showcasing a never-before-seen behavior. (See Chicks)
➤ Here are the best fast-food restaurants in every state, offering a bucket list of must-try meals across the country, according to Love Food. (See List)
➤ A psychologist developed a three-word phrase to help win arguments by demonstrating empathy and respecting both sides. (See Phrase)
➤ This ranking of state tax burdens, with New York at the highest and Alaska at the lowest, is based on a study of property, income, and sales taxes across the U.S. (See Rankings)
➤ Three Hilton Head white-tailed deer were filmed leaping off a bridge into the water, seemingly without reason. (See Deer)
➤ Scientists have been live streaming a Prairie Rattlesnake den in Colorado to study and observe the snakes’ behaviors. (See Snakes)
➤ People from other countries have identified 14 obvious traits that make Americans easily recognizable abroad. (See List)
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➤ Look no further for the perfect gift. Bril is a portable toothbrush case that uses natural UV-C light to kill 99.9% of the unwanted viruses and bacteria living on your toothbrush—protecting you and your family from potential medical issues. (See It Here)